We sell hundreds of keyboards each and every day, so there are lots of these sheets! Each sheet shows the puller the item, variation (switch type, case color, etc.), box size, and physical shelf location where the item can be found.
Once the pullers have done their part, the stacks of keyboards and slips are carted into the packing room, where each order is put carefully into protective packaging and labelled with its new owner's address.
The packer's last step is to scan the packing slip, the item's barcode, and the shipping label all together. This check guarantees accuracy and makes sure one last time that nothing was missed.
MK has two huge keyboard warehouses: one in Chandler, Arizona (near Phoenix), and one in Fairview, Tennessee (near Nashville), and the process works the same way at each. Our system crunches many factors to select whether a given order should ship from one location or the other.
(Sidenote: we also have a public showroom located at each, if you ever want to stop by and test-drive a keyboard in person!)

We use a mix of carriers, and have pickups each day from multiple route drivers from USPS, DHL, FedEx, and UPS.
At the end of the day, the tracking numbers for all of the day's packages are uploaded, and notification emails are sent to customers.
But then, of course, the best part happens: the customer receives their package and unboxes their fresh, new keyboardy goodness!
Inside the box they'll find the product or products they purchased, plenty of craft paper to protect the order for the duration of its journey, a packing slip confirming all the order details (except price), and occasionally a bonus item or sticker, depending on any current promotions that may be going on.
And then?
If they're like the rest of us, the customer breathes a deep sigh of relief, smiles down at their new possession... and immediately starts thinking about accessories to add, modifications to make, or the next keyboard they'll build after this one...
And so we begin again... :)
PS: If you ever have questions about your order, keyboards, or anything else, our CS team stands ready to help -- just reach out here!