I want to start with a caveat - I got this for my work keyboard and not for gaming. I can't say how well it works for what I'm assuming is a more intense purpose, though some angry emails can get a bit fast and furious. I need to use a split keyboard for joint/nerve issues, and the MD770 was the only one that the fit the bill. There's no separation between the clusters of keys on that keyboard (e.g., function keys, home/end), so I wanted something to help me know I'm hovering over the right key without having to look down. These are great for that purpose. They're a nice texture and are tall, more like the keys that come on the MD770. They were also clean cut - no uneven parts. I wouldn't call them neon blue, more like a bright baby blue as pictured. The texture isn't dramatic, but I think it's enough to quickly notice. I also got the Ducky rubber keycap set, and I think these feel better/have more grip and are a better height for the MD770.